Thursday, August 27, 2009

Life gets in the way!!

So I am sitting here at my computer on a beautiful sunny day with a salad for lunch and I am trying to figure out how to put the last 4 weeks into words. As you have noticed I have been absent from blog land for a little while. Life has seem to taken me by the back of the neck and dragged through this month screaming my lungs out. Seriously...where did August go???
Between Graydon being in so many camps this summer and me training for this marathon, I am totally consumed by family life. Which is great, don't think for one second that I would give up this crazy busy life I have. I do love it and am proud to be a wife and mom...
I just think I need a vacation!!
So while life has been whizzing by this is the last four weeks:
Golf camp ended on the 1st Friday of this month. After that we had family come in from Florida for Graydons Survivor 10th Birthday party. It was great as always seeing them with busy days and nights...on Graydons birthday we went to Camel Beach for the day and then that night headed off to Kampai for dinner. The dinner ended on a sour note with a woman accidentally going up in a blue flame at the table kiddie corner to us. They took her away in an ambulance and I really don't know anymore than that. Strange though!!
So then on that Sunday we had Graydons Birthday party. A beautiful hot day with lots of fun for the kiddos!! Survivor games and cake, what more could a ten year old ask for!
In between all of this there is work and trying to get some pottery made for 2 upcoming shows, not to mention the mileage I have been putting in for the marathon that is only 6 weeks away. Even though I will be running my "arse" off that day I am really looking forward in seeing some different views than Broome County! We have not ventured out of the State or nearby Pennsyltucky in five sad is that!!
So....that's that! And now I am off to finish my lovely salad for lunch, get some stuff accomplished this early afternoon before I have a delivery to make and then off to the hospital where my mother-in-law is having some surgery today! Whew....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Dad!

Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday dear Dad...
Happy Birthday to you!
I wish we could be celebrating here on earth
but I hope your family and friends in heaven have something special planned for you!
I miss you!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Summer Soccer Camp

So last week was a little bit chaotic. We had a house guest who split his time between my in-laws and our house throughout the week. Last year we had him as well and he is from the Red Bulls franchise. Tom and three other coaches came up to Binghamton to coach a week long soccer camp at the school. It was a great experience for the kids and a lot of work for the parents. Every night we switched houses for dinner and drinks. It was a fun time but I am enjoying the peace now.
On Saturday we took Tom fishing down at the pond...right on his first cast he caught a small trout. His very first time fishing and he was a natural. Unfortunately the trout swallowed the hook and Todd could not get it out. I could tell that Tom felt bad as the fish went bellied up on the side of the pond. Well...needless to say Todd took it home, cleaned it and grilled it. Tom really enjoyed that!

To top it all off, this is the Brits humor.
He said in his British accent "Look, I made a goldfish".
Weird sense of humor but we all laughed!

On other news, I have been creating a little lately. This serving bowl is quite large and I'm pretty pleased with it. I do have to fix one of the handles yet as it dried a little too quickly and the handle pulled away from the bowl. Any color suggestions??
Is this not the cutest puppy you have ever seen?
Her name is Paisley and no she is not mine.
Her parents brought her up to my in-laws house on Friday night for our dinner. She is a Yorki-Poo and sweet as sweet can be. I hinted around to Todd but to no avail. I did convince him into getting another hamster that Graydon was begging for. So the photos of Mario will be posted at a later date or whenever he will hold still long enough.