Thursday, October 8, 2009

Almost There!!

Well I did make it to the studio last night and had a semi productive night.
I glazed two colanders that were orders, make 3 ornaments and also threw a nice lidded container. Photos will be coming for the container. It turned out pretty neat.
I'm all packed and ready to go. We are heading out around 8:00AM and it should take about 4-1/2-5 hours to get there. Ugh!! I hate being in the car that long! Maybe I will try and take some knitting with me to pass the time. I do get car sick though...
I will make sure I get some photos posted of the festivities...oh and Nancy, I am going to try and make it to Baltimore Clayworks. I really want to see your jewelry on display!


The French Bear said...

Have fun, can't wait to see the pictures!!!
Margaret B

Round Rabbit said...

Good luck Dani!!! You are going to kick ass, I just know it!

And if you get to clayworks, try to take some photos if they let you. :)

Susan said...