Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Sundays are made for sleeping in and lounging around all day. That is how the morning started off for me today...sleeping in til 7:30!! A nice change in pace since we are usually up at the crack of day getting ready for school and work. After I got up I enjoyed a hot cup of coffee and watched yet more snow come down. We certainly are not lacking in the snow business. Of course winter started off pretty quiet with the snow and let me tell you in is ending with a doozy. Hopefully this will be it for a while...I love winter but onto green grass and blue skies.
I got my running clothes on, filled my water bottle, chowed down on a power bar and ate 1/2 of my gu (carb supplement to sustain me during my run). I headed out to drop off the waters on my route and parked the car. I warmed myself up with some stretches and plugged the i-pod in. I headed out for a lovely 9 mile run. It was so pretty to run today...Mother Nature painted the trees with white and the freshly new fallen snow added a nice cleanliness to the ground. Unlike the salty, sandy snow that lined the roads I ran on. What a mess!!!
The snow started coming down in spurts which made it a little difficult to see. My eye lashes were covered at one point and I had to stop to wipe my face off. 1/2 way done and I was feeling good!! I started in around 5 miles and Todd and Graydon came looking for me...with the camera. I was all well and fine when they left and I usually bring my cell phone just in case of an emergency and today I wish I had not forgotten it. I headed up a long hill and felt a little twinge of pain in my left knee. I tried to talk myself out of the pain and will it away but it was a nagging pain that came and went. Exactly like after the 1/2 marathon I did. I think my ITB is really causing havoc on my leg. It is the band that runs from your hip to your knee and when it acts up, it makes for a miserable daily trudge. I thought at one point I may have to end this thing and flag someone down for a ride back to the car but I finished and I am glad I did.
So for the rest of the day I have been resting, icing and napping!!!
Hopefully it helps!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

200th Blog Post

200th Blog Post Today...Wow!!
And it is pottery...what could be better.
These pieces have been kicking around for a while so I decided that I would list them in etsy
and also blog about them. The jar above is quite a favorite of mine. It is a beautiful verdigris all over color with this intense rich red band that surrounds the jar and also is featured on the lid. You could put cookies in it, store flour or sugar in it or even put yourself in it when the time comes. Kind of weird combination...flour and ashes but hey, what the heck. A lot of people are going that way now. I guess it is because of the economy and how much it is to bury someone whether it be in the ground or in a mausoleum.
I'm not too sure which I prefer...I think I need to ponder this for a while.
These little cuties are newish. I was encouraged by my friend Nancy of the Round Rabbit to make these. She saw me pull some out of the kiln way back when and they actually were intended to be ornaments. Owls are HOT right now so I decided to make some more before Christmas time and I just plum forgot to glaze them. Thus, here it is the end of February and they are making their appearance in my etsy shop.
Blue, red, green and more colors to come. That is after I finish taking their photos, loading them onto the computer, fixing them in Adobe and then finally listing them. It is quite the process to list things in etsy...and I don't know how you all do it who constantly list things. I feel like I am glued to the computer for hours when I only list a few things.
Feel free to take a look at the goodies and stay tuned for more listing in my shop!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Snow Day

Mother Nature finally decided to dump snow on us and believe me, I have been waiting for it. There is nothing like a good old fashion snow day to regroup and act like you are 10 again. The Weather Channel was even here in little old Binghamton reporting on today's' snow accumulation. We have been so lucky to have it miss us this winter, and it was due time! Unfortunately it makes for a little bit of cabin fever so this afternoon we headed out into the storm. We started at our house and then ended up at Todd's parents house for some sledding fun. Their hill is so long and you can certainly get some speed on it and end up all the way down in the woods. The walk back up the hill is a killer so you have to pace yourself. One of these years we will come up with some sort of pulley system that will make it much, much better!
We made a small jump in the sledding trail and Graydon had a ball going over it although it did hurt a little.

All the little birds were out in full force today eating as much as they could to keep warm. The Chickadees didn't mind that I was standing so close to them and they were tweeting up a storm.
This one was yelling at anyone of them that got close to him. No wonder why they calls these little cuties "clowns".
They certainly put a HUGE smile on my face...
Callie was in heaven being outside with us. She spread her little toes out to be able to walk on the snow and it was so much like snowshoes.
A very nice day with much needed R & R!!

Thank you Family!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

New Love!!

Hello there....
my name is Wren!!
I'm new here on the farm and I am a little shy still. But I know that I am safe and happy and have a great spot to get adjusted. My new mom comes in all the time to check in on me to make sure I have enough to eat and drink and today she even bought me some new toys although she keeps insisting I need a blanket and I really don't like it. I spend a lot of time kicking it away from me.
I do love to be held especially by my new mom. She cuddles me under her neck and makes me feel safe and warm...but I love to hop around and check out my new digs. I haven't met any of the other animals yet but I know that they are outside the door anxiously awaiting to meet me. I am just not ready yet...and that is OK!
I know I am going to be really happy here!! How many bunnies actually get a whole house to live in and not have to be in a cage like I was. My mom had bunnies before so she knows basically how to take care of me...although she is still getting use to having me inside and I know she has a friend who is helping her out, giving her advice. Thank you Nancy!!!
Oh I forgot to tell you...I am a Harlequin Rex Bunny and I have very, very soft fur with a little curl behind my ears. My new brother just loves to pet me behind my ears!
We even get nose to nose!!
He is extremely happy to hold me...
but once in a while....
I just want to get down and run!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Cupid’s Chase 5K Run/Walk

Run with Your Heart

Saturday, February 13th, 2010
Otsiningo Park
10:00 AM
First race of the year and I have pre-night jitters. I think I am prepared for it, I am not expecting a great time for myself...I just want to get out there and see where I am at. It has been extremely difficult to get the mileage in that I need right now, mentally and physically. The weather is not cooperating and I worry about getting out there and slipping. That is something I DO NOT need right now.
There is a great article in this months Runners World about how a mom needs to get out there and run for her sanity as well as her families. It is quite funny in the aspect that it is sooo me!
If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!!
So with that...
I got my carbs in tonight and I need to get to bed early.
All is well.
Wish me luck!