Graydon, since he was a baby has always enjoyed "playing" in the dirt while I work in the garden. Ask him to help and he says he's too busy. The above photo is him enjoying the sunshine, playing with bugs, sitting next to a HUGE compost pile we had delivered. Ugh, when I feel up to it, I have gotta get it moved! To the left of Graydon is a trench of potatoes I planted and the the right, the wooden post you see is peas the went in also.
Check out this beautiful forsythia in full bloom. It hasn't bloomed like this in several years. I guess when we disrupted it two years ago did it some good. Also look at this wonderful fence my hubby put up. The grapes were pretty pathetic looking the last couple of years because they were kind of all over the place and the fence they were on collapsed. I cut the grapes back tremendously and then Todd put up the fence. Thanks to Michelle and Bob for giving up the fencing they had left over from their project last year.
Guys, I love it!

"There's no place like home"!
Anyone know the name off hand?
Daffyies standing tall!! I have tons of different varieties!
Graydon playing with a new toy that Todd got him much to my dismay. A legit sling shot. Trust me he only shoots at cans and trees, NO ANIMALS!!! He would never anyways!!
On top of all that, the rhubarb was weeded, edged and mulched. Lawn was mowed by Todd and he taught Graydon how to mow the in the larger fields for now. Graydon went slow and did a really good job, he's hired!!

So I guess I should tell you all what I did and how I NEVER will do it again. EVER!!! I was really tired on Sunday night around 4:30 after our busy weekend of yard work, so I sat for a while and then asked Todd while dinner was cooking away on the grill, if he could get Graydons motorcycle out for me cause I wanted to cruise over to Marys to say hi. She lives just down the street, ample walking distance. I started it and off I went, cruising around the fields and then over for a short gab to catch up. When I left there I cruised around the bottom of her yard in 1st, then 2nd and then headed up the slope of her yard. For some stupid reason I put it into 3rd going up the hill, gassed it, too much power (see where I am going with this?), did a wheelie and the damn thing knocked me off (because obviously I didn't know what I was doing). I fell, HARD, felt a pop in my back, knocked the wind out of me, foot peg raked across my inside left calf, brush burns all over the other leg and my shoulder. I am hurt, hurt, sore and more hurt. I keep having muscle spasms in my back which make it so I can't breathe. I called Dr. Brian and he got me in yesterday to work on me. Needless to say TG nobody was in the waiting room when he was or else they would have heard some interesting language coming out of me. It is totally my fault and I am not complaining but I am just soooo mad at myself for doing it.
Please no sympathy, just know what you are doing before you get on something like that,