I have some photos of the wedding and the reception, so I will make sure that I post them at a later date.
But in the meantime I have been consumed with a very sick great aunt. She just turned 89 a week ago today and on Saturday was rushed to the er with not being able to breathe. In the several days that she has been in the hospital, she was diagnosed with congestive heart failure along with pneumonia. Today while I was at the hospital, the doctor came in and told her that she needs to have a pacemaker put in ASAP. Apparently her heart stopped two times yesterday for over 7 seconds a piece. Not good!! So hopefully, if all goes well tomorrow she will have the pacemaker put in late morning and start the road to mending. She is surprisingly a very spry lady who has 100% of her mind. It is just her body that is not cooperating!
Please have her in your thoughts for a speedy recovery.
The top photo was taken this very chilly morning. Graydon came running downstairs to tell me that we had a bunny in the yard...a very fat bunny. After pointing him out to me, I of course, grabbed the camera and headed to the dining room to take a pic...
Fat bunny, no I think a very cold bunny!
Poor little guy...
I wish I could bring him in for some nice hot carrot soup and a warm blankey...

Missiles were flying, pieces were lost...
but all in all the Dad and Son had fun!!
and I enjoyed watching every minute...
especially Graydon giggling!!!
Love the bunny picture! He does look a wee bit pudgy... but then again, maybe just in need of some soup!
Sweetfern Handmade
Aawww man! Where's the picture of Todd playing with the Legos?!
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