Thursday, October 21, 2010
Road to Somewhere...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Between Here and There
I'm not sure....
I know I should most likely get up and be creative but how creative can you possibly be at 3:00 in the morning, dark, cold and miserable.
So, the brighter side of things is my eye for beauty around me. I constantly take my camera with me wherever I go, so I am lucky to be able to capture these images.
If any of you have ideas to help this poor girl sleep...
please let me know. I am up for anything!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Thursday Tattoo Day!
So while Nan was getting her tat, I had asked James if he had time to whip one up for me. After completing the marathon last year, I wanted to commemorate it by doing a tattoo on my arch of my left foot. He had talked me out of that because of the amount of running that I do, he said it would most likely rub right off. Sooo, I opted for a place where I could see it.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Corning Wineglass Marathon

By mile 19-22 I was spent. My leg was killing me, but I continued to carry on. I kept playing the same song over and over again for motivation...it helped immensely. It is a wonder how music really enters your head and changes your thought process and your mood. I was living off of that music that day! Thank you i-pod for carrying me through some really dark minutes and hours. Also a thank you goes out to my friend for giving me tons of suggestions on music!!! It helped soooo much and I greatly appreciate it! Love that you did it too!
So...periodically through the race I would run into Todd and Graydon and they would send out words of encouragement, hand me bottles of Gatorade and water and just to know that they were there in support of me made the world of difference. My kiddos smiling face gave me the motivation to continue through.
By mile 22 I tried hard to pick it up. I knew I wanted to make up some time. I was on track to finish at 4:30 and I was bound and determined to beat that time. Here it is, over 35 minutes from where I was originally going to finish. I was bummed seriously but I wanted that medal!!! I rounded the corner 1/2-3/4 mile away from the finish and my right leg just quit. I mean stop in my tracks dead quit!. It had folded under me and I grabbed a bench as I went down. A lady who was working the race came running over to me and gave me the best pep talk ever. She said
Dying is the only word that comes to mind here. I saw Todd and then I saw Graydon and that awesome kiddo of mine took all of these photos. He sprinted to the finish line to try and get me crossing the line.
So I crossed the finish line under 4:30, hurt hamstring and all. I was so happy I did not give up...misery and all. Was it smart to keep running with a pulled hammy...most likely not. But see, I am Italian and once something gets in out heads, forgetaboutit!
After crossing the finish, they wrap you in a plastic metal blanket because your body has just been through something so extreme that stopping abruptly causes a huge amount of heat to be lost. I received my handmade glass medal and I tried to smile. Really I tried and in the end I did. It was just so hard with the pain I was in plus losing the pace I was at.
I did brush it aside, you win some and you loose some. There can always be a next time.
But damn...so close.
I was able to eat a little after the race which is really hard to do for me. Soup is always a plus after a long race. It puts the salt and warmth back into your body. I inhaled 3 cups of the soup and had a bottle of water. The race coordinators were kind enough to have physical therapists there treating people. I got this awesome guy to dig into my sweaty hamstring and start the healing process. I swear...if I didn't do it, I wouldn't have healed as fast as I did. So a HUMONGOUS thank you to that therapist dude!!!
I am so happy to have completed my second full marathon.
I got a tattoo before this particular race to commemorate both of the races...
I finished...I'm done until the next one...
which btw was last Sunday up in Fabius, New York. I ran a 1/2 marathon with my friend Ashley just 7 days after my full marathon.
Crazy...why yes, yes I am.
But I felt awesome and came in 3rd in my age category!!
Give a whoop for this chick!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Ummm, yeah right...this baby had teeth!!

Really not thinking it through, once I got his tail I realized that the front feet would not let go of the fence. These little guys have five fingers just like us and believe me he had a death grip on the fence. I grabbed a lace throw I had in the car from the pottery show I did over the weekend (stay tuned for pics of that) so I wrapped it around my arm and proceeded to try and pull him down. Afterwards Graydon said that the opossum looked like superman flying when I had a hold of his tail. So with the free hand and arm that was wrapped in the throw, I reached up and he crawled onto it and wrapped his little arms around me. Not letting go of his tail I put him in the bucket and put the throw on top of it.

I stopped by a nearby vet who gave me two phone numbers for the State Police. They in turn gave me three numbers for the DEC, who in turn gave me one number for a wildlife rehabilitation specialist. She did not answer but the DEC guy told me it was ILLEGAL to transport wildlife in your vehicle. OMG, who knew. That goodness I didn't get pulled over...
So I ended up deciding to let him go in a field, woody area up the road. Hopefully this little guy makes it on his own. Like I said he did have teeth and I do hope nature kicks in and teaches him how to fend for himself.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Birthday Recap
Cookie on the face
water bottle/balloon
flip the water bottle
and more...
The kids and some adults :) had tons of fun playing them...