Well, I have been up to no good lately and I haven't been able to blog about it because it has been a complete surprise. As you all know, my hubby turned 40 on Thursday and I just couldn't have a little ol' thing for him...I had to continue it for several days, each with just a little surprise.
Friday night I surprised him after his soccer game with a decorated table in the bar and a mexican dip for him and his teammates. This was to throw him off if he had any idea of what was in store for him on Saturday.
So backtrack a little bit...it has been really hard to not let him know what was up...VERY HARD!!! I had to create the invitations, which BTW the online printer screwed up and never sent them to me. Todd came home to my tirade of being on hold for 45 minutes and then finally got a hold of someone in customer service only to find out that they wanted ME to pay extra (which I had already done) to get them shipped out. Todd didn't understand why I was so upset about my "business cards". That is what I had to tell him about that scenario...
THEN...Friday I decided to make a little road trip for myself because Todd didn't have to go to work until 12:00 and I had all the food to buy. Then it turned into 1:00 and then into 2:00. Meanwhile, I am up in Ithaca killing time with groceries in the car so I didn't get home with all the party stuff in my car while he was still home. Note: I still had to prepare most of the food!
Todd finally leaves, I get home, shuttle all the stuff into the house and started preparing all the food...AND I got it done in record time!!! Then I had to get rid of all the evidence so now load it all back into the car and head to my in-laws to drop off everything for safe keeping!
Saturday morning - I got up early and started cleaning the house. It was already pretty much cleaned up but dusting, running the vacuum and cleaning the bathrooms needed to be done. So here I am running around trying to get things done while Todd was home. I had to lie again and say that friends might come over later to celebrate his birthday and have pizza and wings. Todd FINALLY leaves to go golfing with his dad and I kick it into HIGH gear. Platters out, napkins, plates and etc out...beer in coolers with ice, cups and soda and wine out...decorate a little outside...shower, get dressed, get Graydon in the shower....then 1:00 food out, friends arrive (Thanks Kathy for your help), Todd comes home and festivities begin.
He was very surprised and when he asked who was coming I told him he would just have to wait and see. Tons of people came and it was quite loud in our little farm house but it was so much fun!! All the kids had fun playing outside and everyone conjugated into the kitchen for good food and drinks!! A special thanks to the friends who helped out and brought food!!! P.S. dummy me forgot to take pics!! What was I thinking?
So THANK YOU EVERYONE for helping me keep such a GREAT secret and also in celebrating my wonderful husbands 40th birthday!!