Is another man's treasure!!!I was up at the crack of dawn this morning, well not really it was still pitch dark outside when I left the house. I set the alarm for 4:30 AM, out of the house by 4:45 and at the studio by 5:00AM. Why you might ask? Because I had one full day of work-work ahead of me and I really needed to get to the studio to get all my glazing done so I could run my kiln tonight. I need to get them all done so I can price them and get them all loaded up for the trip to the sale this weekend.
So why does the above and below photo have anything to do with it?
While I was driving to my first job almost in a coma sucking down my 6th cup of coffee, I drove right past these two pieces of furniture out at the curb. After almost spilling my coffee all down the front of me, I did a quick u-turn in the middle of the road and pulled up next to them. I quick looked around to see if anyone else was coming but...
YAY for me, no-one!!!
I grabbed these two and threw them in my car.

Now I know what you might be thinking...
Yes...I admit, I am a garbage picker.
As my husband and son love to call me...GP, for short.
I love to find things on the side of the road and take them home, re-do them and turn them into something that fits right in to my life.
So for now, I have these two little gems and I am not sure where I will put them. The table will most likely be in the garage for now to use as a workspace. The little wash stand needs some TLC and might fit in nicely in our bedroom. But they both will be taking a back burner for a little while, I need to get some pottery and yard work under my belt before I take them on.
Oh, and BTW...
Wait to you see the dresser I found last year!! It is HUGE and in need of a remake. Stay tuned for that one