Let me take you on a little visual vacation for your mind.
I have been absent from blogland for a week and a half now with a good explanation. We finally went on vacation and left a little technology behind. We headed out on the 12th of May and returned home on the 17th. A short but well deserved trip...
Besides going to Disney World (I'll post photos later) we headed to the most glorious place in the United States...
Sanibel Island
It is about 3ish hours south of Tampa and it truly is amazing. If I could, I would retire down there for several months out of the year. White crisp sand between your toes, what more could you ask for?

My kiddo is such a beach bum. He loves the ocean as much as I do and could spend all day in the surf and sand. We had so much together collecting seashells (I literally brought home a HUGE bag full), playing frisbee in the water with Todd and just enjoying the time together.

The water was so warm and calm the first day we were there but a storm was out in the gulf and by the second day the wind picked up and the waves were a little harsh. Graydon tried to beat the waves but to no avail, they kicked his butt.

I can't begin to tell you how much I love the ocean.

These photos are just priceless...

As the tide comes into Sanibel at night, it deposits these huge amounts of seashells on the beach in clumps. Graydon wanted to have Todd bury him in sand but Todd had the idea to bury him in seashells. As I walked to the car to get the camera, Todd took the task on and Graydon was in his glory. He kept finding all these great seashells and had quite the collection by the time I returned.

This is literally how I spent most of my time...
sitting on a blanket in a midst of all the shells, finding treasures!

The little sand pipers were so cute finding their breakfast....

On the way out to our car, we found this great photo op for Graydon...

As we crossed the causway back to the mainland, this pelican was flying alongside our car on the bridge...as if to give us a farewell.
It made me extremely sad to leave this beautiful island but I know we will return...
If I had my way...very soon!!
I enjoyed looking at your photos. :) I'm sure you will get your way and be back here soon.
I wanna go...!
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