Thursday, April 24, 2008
Trying...sort of!
During my little romp through the weeds I started to experience some pain in my stomach, thinking that it was me being out of shape I didn't really think too much until I got into the house. I think something happened to me while running...I guess when they say to take it easy they really mean it. Well, I did for the most part for the rest of the day. I did manage to run my kiln and make dinner but that is about it.
Today, I feel much better and I am off to work and then to run some errands. I want to get the postcards made up today to mail out tomorrow for the art show in the little house. Other than that...well see how I feel this afternoon...BUT all in all I am on the mend and itching to get back in the full swing of life!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Finished Bird Vase

My latest project while recuperating is this tattoo pottery. I threw these pieces using low fire clay, trimmed them and then did some vintage style tattoo designs on them. Yes I hand painted each one. I love them and I don't want to get rid of them but I can always make more... I think!
While browsing the web for an idea for a new tattoo design (shhh, on me) I came across this one website that had amazing designs. I love koi, stars and cherry blossoms... so this is the result. Todd thinks I should go to a local Harley place and also where I got my tattoo done to see if they would like to have these in their shops. I think I need to get quite the inventory before I do that. There might be a market for it...what do you think?
*** update...well surgery was a week ago today and today is the first REAL day I feel good. Hopefully this is a good sign and I am well on my way to feeling better. I really didn't think it would take this long but all in all I am glad it is over and I am dying to throw. I go to the doctors for a follow up on Tuesday and hopefully he will give me the go ahead to have my life back.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Plastic Bottles

A study published in the August 2005 issue of the journal Environmental Health Perspectives found that the level of plastic molecules leaching into food and beverage containers—and accumulating in our bodies—was higher than previously thought. In fact, they were higher than equivalent levels in rats that impaired their brain chemistry, reproductive functions, and immune systems.
So I found this great cartoon online yesterday (and for all of you, I love the WOZ) so I thought I would give a post about plastic. I have known for sometime that plastic bottle SHOULD NOT be reused but I did anyways. When I work, I drink tons and tons of water so having several of those throw away/recycle bottles was very convenient. UNTIL...and I mean UNTIL I had a polar spring bottle and a aquafina bottle. I filled both of them up from my GREAT well water and took them to work. I opened the polar spring one and took a sip and it tasted terrible. I mean plastic-y and TERRIBLE. The aquafina one was alright.
Well is just happened to be that the following week my friend Michelle and I went to Syracuse Mall and went to Pottery Barn. They were selling metal water bottles. So I bought one and now that is all I use. I really try not to buy water out but it is kind of hard not too when your so thirsty. So the moral of this story is...check the number on your water bottle and do not reuse them especially do not freeze the water and use.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I am trying to wrap up some loose ends and get the house all tidy because tomorrow I am going in for some minor surgery. Hopefully the recovery period is only a couple of days but I have some projects I can do while I am laying around.
I will be picking up the bird vase tonight during class so I will make sure I post a few pics tomorrow. I can't wait to see it!! I hope it turned out good. Graydon asked if I was going to sell it and I told him I wasn't sure. He then told me that he wants me to keep it. I think deep down he appreciate my work.
Do I have a future starving artist??? Most likely not, but he does like to make things with me. I hope he will keep art as a secondary things and pursue something that will make him happy.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
The wonders of raku...

So I loaded the kiln. You can see it in the pic above. I turned it on low for the 1st hour and then cranked it up to high for the 2nd hour. When it reached 1800 degrees, I cracked open the kiln with an old pot that I had and pulled out the cross. I then put into a metal bucket full of shredded paper and wood chips. The cross went up in flames which is kind of weird but in the end, it turned out OK. I needed to put the glaze on a little thicker next time. It was still cooling so I didn't take a pic.
Which now leads me to the second photo. This one is soooo nice. Exactly the idea that I had brewing. I made this clock with an open back so you can either hang it on the wall or sit it on a shelf. Once the kiln was cracked and starting to cool down, I pulled one clock out. Of course it cracked because it was sooo cold and windy out but I used it as a demo. I tried a couple of things but was discouraged. Then I decided to pull another clock (the last one) from its home in the hot kiln, I put it on the rim of the open kiln to stay warm. I started putting donkey tail hair on the clock and that is the squiggle lines you see. It actually burns into the clay.
Once it had cooled down considerably, I sprayed it with a chemical to give it the orange, yellow color. That also burns into the clay.
The donkey hair was donated by a donkey from one of my favorite places, Apple Hills. I bought some dried spices I have been in need for and had lunch by myself. I then talked to the owner, Joy. I asked her if I could have some donkey tail hair and of course her looked was priceless. She said "what in the world are you doing with that". Of course I explained that you use it in a raku process and she said she's very eager to see the outcome. Maybe if all goes well, with the next firing...I'll give her a clock.
I will most definitely be making more of these. I love this clock. It is going to look great in my bedroom!!