So the 4th annual barn sale is under full swing. I will be taking photos of what the barn looks like so you all out of towners can see what I have been doing every year. This years contributors are
Pretty darn good if I say so myself!
He/she is a miniature sheep and it has 4 horns.
Two that go straight up and two that curl around.
They're for sale.......:)
So back to our llama friend. So after staying my distance from him I decided to venture closer. And closer and closer yet. This adorable llama kept putting his nose on mine and just staring at me. He wouldn't do it with Graydon and forget about Todd, he was definitely staying his distance. Knowing me I just had to get a pic of it and Graydon did a great job taking it.
I was in the kitchen this morning and heard all this noise outside. I grabbed the camera and shot this photo of all the starlings flying over our house.
Hundreds of them....can you imagine if they all pooped at once. :)
And this one was taken this morning.
It is raining out and the leaves look so vibrant.
Say goodbye to the leaves Upstate New York.
They are going fast!
It still would be nice though.............................................................
1. http://www.hodgepodge-michelle.blogspot.com
2. http://www.bikerchic11.blogspot.com
4. http://www.hollyhocks.typepad.com