I have been a little absent this weekend. I was so busy working on things that I neglected my blog. Friday night was spent running errands and having dinner with Todd and
Graydon at Moe's (Mexican...
yumm!) I picked up a huge bucket of plaster at AC Moore for the above project. I had an idea in my head all week long and finally on Saturday I was able to sit down and work on it. If you can't tell, it is a tree of life. I used that as a focal point in the design and under that I did write welcome. Everything is hand carved and it took me over 4 hours to do. I was
obsessed with it. I would leave it for a while and then come back to it. It really turned out great and the only downside of it, is the original is lost in the mold making process. I did cast it in plaster and hopefully by this afternoon I will be able to make my first plaque. Stay tuned for the finished project.
Needless to say I have been making a bunch of pottery, a little obsessed with it now. I went to bed thinking about what I was going to make today and it did indeed keep me up for quite a long time. On top of the pottery keeping me up, my hands hurt like crazy! They are so dry, split and sore! My palms (carpal tunnel area) hurt so bad. I need a deep tissue massage just on my hands. Maybe, I'll use a gift certificate that I have on Wednesday and treat myself to a hour long massage. Sounds good huh! I have never experienced this problem due to throwing before. I'm sure the 4 hours long carving session didn't help matters.
Well, I'm off to throw. Wish me success!
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I'm loving that carved thingy you are working on! :)
Thanks Nancy,
I love it too! I can't wait to see it glazed!
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