What have I been doing you might ask? Well a little bit of everything lately! I have become an elf so to speak. A friend is getting her daughter an American Girl Doll and has asked me to make some clothing for her. The above photo you will see a peasant dress with an apron over it, a leopard print coat with fringe and matching boots and above that is a brown corduroy jumper with set in pockets and I need to finish them all. The boots are done and so cute I might add. They look like Uggs, which I want this year! Everything else needs a little tweaking and etc!

The next thing are some Welcome Signs. It looks like they have been a big hit this year so I created three more for my shop and the pottery sale at Roberson.

Next is this adorable needle felted penguin sitting on top of an clear ice cube. The ice cube is not real, it's made out of plastic but when I picked these up at a local shop, I just knew I had to put this little guy on top.

And finally this....it is a bank for my nephew Fred. Hopefully I can get it done in the next week. It needs some more carving done to it and feet put on it, carve a whole in the bottom for the rubber stopper and carve a slit in the top for the $$$$. I hope they'll like it!
On another note, I'm busy as always today. I don't have to "work" today but I do have to work. I have a bunch of stuff to start this morning....mugs, mugs and more mugs! Then shower, off to Roberson to set up for the sale that starts again tomorrow night, back home, pick up Graydon, off to the orthodontist, home, and more work. But this is the type of work I love to do! ART!!!
1 comment:
you have an award on my blog, sweet friend :)
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