What an incredible weekend we had here in Upstate New York. The temps were in the high 70's and a slight breeze. The sun was out most of the time in full force which made it a little warm working out in the gardens. Yesterday morning I was laying in bed watch these clouds roll by. Todd woke up and I told him to look at the clouds and his comment was "Hey, they look like The
Simpsons clouds"...this made me laugh out loud. They do don't they, you know in the beginning of the program where the song starts...OK so maybe you don't watch The
Simpsons so take my word for it but the
occasional times we have, stuck in his head.

I wandered around our property seeing what was in bloom and where I needed to start weeding. Let me tell you, this garden that these peonies are in needs desperate help. Field grass has taken over and I'm not quite sure how to tackle this problem. I guess a lot of digging and pulling the roots out. Oh what fun it is!

Frogger has shown up at our little pond on our patio. He is finally getting use to me peeping at him all the time. He is pretty big with a good size stomach. I love his coloring too. His bottom half is a muddy brown where as the rest of him is gorgeous greens. Can you believe I actually put gorgeous and frog together in the same sentence? But you know, you really need to see the beauty in each and every thing you look at, if its a frog or a snail or even a slug. I was in my broccoli and cauliflower patch yesterday weeding and there were tons of slugs. OK I admit, I squished them but before I did I was checking out their colors. Burnt sienna, rust, brown and tan....I'm a
wierdo I know!

This big fat bumble bee was just hanging out taking what he needs when I was snapping these pics. After I took the photos and put them on the computer to change their size and what not, I zoomed in on his wings. If you can click on the photo above, check them out.
Pretty amazing...the structure and color!

I just can't resist nests especially if they are full. Last year I found a little nest in my bush so this year I kept my eyes peeled for a new one. Sure enough, chipping sparrows built this tiny nest close enough where I could watch them in action. One day there were eggs, three beautiful blue with brown spot eggs. I watched every day, talking to the mama bird so s
he would try and get use to me. To my surprise, two of the eggs hatch into scrawny little birds with only
tuffs of feather on their sides. Each day I looked and each day they got a little bit bigger and a little more feathers. One week passed and these babies looked like the photo above. They were almost ready to
fledge the nest. Boy, was I sad to see them go!! I felt a little bit of motherly
instinct take over wanting to keep them safe. Yesterday I was out in the yard when I decided to take a peek, only one baby left. He/she took out of the nest in a shot, but was not a very good
flyer. He went way too far from is parents and I got a little nervous as he crashed to the ground. He almost looked a little stunned so I went over and picked him up. He cuddle to my chest as he regained his tiny little head.
Graydon ran in the house and gabbed our camera and took this shot. The baby kept opening his mouth for us...we tried to feed him a squished worm but he really didn't know what to do with it. Finally I decided to put him back into the nest and he hung out there waiting for his parents to show back up. Very quickly is mama and papa came to see him and they flew off together.

Baby and parents found refuge in one of our pine trees. I hope today to see him again,
my little feathered friend!
Great pictures Dani!!
That one of the bee is amazing!
Hey do you have any tips on growing broccoli? we planted broccoli in our garden, this is the first year we've ever grown a garden.
Those are such amazing pics Dani. Holy mackeral! And yes, we spent the weeekend swimmming in the pool. Summer might actually be here finally!
Very nice pictures!! The baby birds are so sweet! The weather was incredible here, in the high eighties.
From cold and snow to extreme hot, this is Alberta.....
Did you get your garden redone?
What a lot of work!!!!
Have a great week,
Margaret B
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