The one in the upper front left is an oak leaf and acorn butter dish using actual acorns and leaves that were then molded into plaster. I pushed the clay into the relief to form the leaves and the acorns. Behind that is a conversation block that I have been making. As fast as I make them they sell. You can group them or use them individually. Each block has a different pattern on it and saying. This one happens to say "Dream".
Today was a busy day as usual. I worked at our pottery studio (Roberson Museum) this morning from 9:30-12:30 and then stayed until 1:30 to glaze a bunch of pieces that I fired in my kiln this weekend. It is so much fun to be able to take a lump of clay and mold in into an object that is functional. It is also satisfying to use a piece of your own pottery to either eat from or cook in. I guess it is the sense of pride I take in all my pieces. Sure there are some that I don't mind getting rid of but I know the person that they go to will appreciate the time it takes to create it...at least I hope!!
On that note for all of your creators of art...rock on!!
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