Sunday, February 22, 2009

What a not so productive day so far. I guess that is what Sundays are all about. Being lazy and just hanging at home...which sounds fine with me except more than likely I will have to venture out in the blustery day. I'm not quite sure what the forecast calls for but the snow is flying out there. Up north, way up north in New Hampshire they are getting 12-18" today. I suppose I should thank my lucky stars that is not us!! I really don't mind the snow or winter for that. It is time for me to regroup, refocus and energize myself for the Spring because with my yard, the inside work and and projects goes to pot Spring, Summer and Fall.
I plan on re-inventing my gardens this year. One in particular is the garden of weeds and this garden has so much potential. I really want to create a cottagey feel to this garden with lots and lots of focal points. It is already broken up into several gardens all in one but the mad chaos that is out there now needs some desperate TLC.
On another note later today will be spent tending to my kiln. I keep pushing this poor thing and one of these days it is just going to kaput on me. I need to totally rebuild it but it is so stinking cold in the barn where it is stored, I plan on waiting til it is a least 50 degrees out and I have the extra $$ to spend. I am doing a small bisque load in hopes I can beat the gas kiln firing and final loading. Unfortunately I love, I MEAN LOVE, the gas glazes which tend to be earthy colors...reds, browns, rich yellows, greens and blues. The last firing I did almost everything was glazed in those earthy tones. That is why it is so hard to get new items up and listed on my etsy account on a regular basis. But I guess when they are finally fired I will have a ton of work to do. Photos, resizing, listing and publishing. It all takes time...
The above kiln lot consists of a sugar and creamer (up front), vase, canister, mug, 3 butter dishes, a bunch of conversation blocks and two larger bowls.
Fun, fun, fun...
wish I could do it all day long!!!


Susan said...

Holy crap. You are way creative. I suck. Oh wait, I DID paint a platter on Clayground once. Yep!

Dani said...

Yea have to show me what it looks like!! I love going to the CG. It has been such a lomg time since I have been there though! I think you can have a girls party there, adult of course and you can bring wine there too!!