Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Weekend Fun!

After a very full day of work on Friday I was treated to my very first time going to the Dick's Golf Open. We thought we would try and get there for a little golf but there were so many people there is was a little impossible to get to the green. We hung around near the food and beer tents for a while and saw some familiar faces and then headed to the 18th green for an incredible concert.
Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20 came to little old Binghamton to play for a huge crowd. They had predicted 8-10 thousand people and I believe that they were all there. I was having so much fun with Todd and friends and we had a pretty good place to stand but....I wanted to get a little closer. So I grabbed a girl that I know and pushed our way a little closer.
I had left my camera in the car because I didn't think you could bring it in but I did have my phone with my camera on it. These images although nothing what I would have like to have taken, are pretty good. I especially like this one and the very first one.

Here is Rob thanking his awesome band...I am so happy I went to this concert. His voice is amazing and truly an wonderful artist!
The following day was a graduation party that we were invited to for two really great kids. Dan lives across the street from us and we have known him since he was 3. Their moms had wanted a cake with their images on it sculpted out of clay playing one of their favorite things...the xbox. So Todd and I worked for a couple hours making these great little figures.
Notice Tyler on the left side of this cake...see his hat. They had described it to us because it is his favorite hat that he has lost. He was so thrilled when he saw it...

Dan on the left wears tye-dyes mostly and Tyler loves his red under armour shirt. Todd was so creative and made the Monster Energy drink cans, A&W soda bottle, the bowl of chips and the TVs. I'm so glad he helped me with all of it...he's a great partner and we both laughed a lot during this creation.

He are the real life Dan and Tyler!!!
Congratulations guys!!!
We are proud of you both!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Creative Thursday

I haven't really been able to focus on pottery lately because I have been extremely busy helping take care of my great aunt. She is very ill and in need of 24/7 care so while trying to hire a couple of extra hands, I have to fill in. After this post I will be heading out for a full day of helping her out. It has put quite a stiffle in my creativity but last night I went to pottery class with a positive attitude and produced the above image. It was a quiet night with very few people in there so I was able to concentrate and focus on things I wanted to make. In the middle of class a friend of mine came in and we had such good laughs. It was great to see her and catch up with her and her four children's lives, it is always an adventure (right Jenn). She always makes me laugh and believe me I needed it.
I have a show coming up fast and furious at the end of next month so I need to get my tail in gear and really start pumping out some pottery. I have many, many ideas brewing, but it is just finding time right now to execute! It may come to be some early mornings and late nights for me.
Onto the above photo which by the way was a little bit of an undertaking. I have this garden behind my house that was there when we purchased it from my in-laws. She is a big time gardener and has some great plants in there. It was slightly unruly back in the day so the year after we were married...I tackled that garden and had it really looking spiffy. I had paths running through it, with great plants and even better mulching. Well over the years the kiddo came along, then life, then sports and then more life. Needless to say this poor garden has been neglected for years. What you don't see is behind this garden...this is what I am talking about. Behind those ugly arborvitae is the "GARDEN OF WEEDS". What a scary place to be...but I am determined to get the upper hand this year.
Thus, the front of the garden which faces the backside of the house. I pulled almost everything out on the left side with the exception of a few lilies and I did leave the bleeding heart too. On the right side are some trillium's and lamium under the tree. I planted 5 new hostas, rebuilt the stone way framing the backside of this garden and mulched like crazy. I had some large rocks laying around so I used them to create a walkway to the mess. My thought was to put a gate at the end of the stone walkway but I like the looks of the bird bath in the opening.
I will post some photos of the unruly mess when I can actually make my way in there. But for now I am viewing the peonies popping their heads over the weeds...
there is never enough time in the day!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday's Pets

As I was walking around the yard today I realized that I really needed to capture some animal moments...

The above photo is one of the two Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks that frequent the feeders. They are so pretty to watch...very graceful flying with their beautiful colors showing in full force.

Next onto the milkweed that is invading my yard. I don't have the heart to pull it out because the monarch butterflies love it and lay their eggs on it. It is almost time to start seeing them fluttering around the yard.
Now here is my buddy...
I was in my garage tonight working on some pottery and he was hanging out under the feeder filling his cheeks. I went into the house to get my camera and perched myself on the driveway and waiting until he was comfortable with me being there so I could snap a few.

This one cracks me up with his little miffed mouth...

Now he finally was comfortable with me that he filled his cheeks not quite full.
I am determined to get this little one to eat from my hand before summer is over!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Under the Weather

I'm feeling a little under the weather so I thought I would show you some photos from around the farm. Every year chickadees make a nest in a bird house that my in-laws made for me on Christmas. I always enjoy watching them fly in and out of the house creating their one of a kind nest. From eggs to hatching is only less than 2 weeks. From hatching to fledging the nest is basically a week. It makes me so sad when they finally do leave the nest but I was fortunate this year to see them right before they took their flight. There were about 6 babies all crammed together in the nest.
This little guy took off right after this photo...
and I chased him all over the yard. Finally I caught up with him and took him back to his nest. Shortly after, the parents kicked them out...most likely because the big, bad monster bothered them. I know I shouldn't be bothering the nest, but it is nature and I enjoy it so much.

From our bedroom window you can watch the birds eat and the chipmunks hunt the ground for discarded seeds. This parent was feeding one of its babies...

So cute to watch the baby flutter its wings and hop all over to make sure the parent fills its belly.

Here is one of our chippies that frequents the yard. Every morning I leave them 2 pieces of my banana for breakfast in hopes that one day I might be able to hand feed them.

Look at that cute little face....

And now to the spider monkey, Stitch. He has taken to climbing the window to get a better view. Just look at those back toes gripping on....

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I have a project that just came via UPS five minutes ago and I am so excited to start it. Thanks to a friend (Thanks Jean) for getting me involved in this great cause, it couldn't be more perfect that I received a farm quilt to put together.
This great cause can be found at Downy and basically you receive pre-cut squares with directions for a turn quilt. You supply the low-pile batting and then return the quilt to an address provided. All these quilts go to kids with cancer in hospitals. I simply can't wait to complete this quilt as well as many others.
If you are a quilter or even a beginning sewer, stop by this website and sign up for a kit.
You'll make a sick kid smile!!!


So my good friend Michelle called me up this morning and asked if I wanted to go berry picking. I have been slightly (to say the least) under the weather, so I sucked it up and headed out with her. We went to the local berry picking place called Apple Hills and proceeded to head out into a very weedy patch. Strawberry picking obviously has been going on for a little while now as they were sort of picked over. On top of that, all the rain we have been getting have made the slugs come out in full force. Lots and lots of berries with big holes in them...YUCK!! Nothing worse that picking a berry and your finger goes into it because of the hole.
Although I said the picking wasn't very good, I came home with a tray full and lots in my belly. I may make a strawberry/rhubarb pie tomorrow.
But they just may be eaten as is...

This little green grasshopper was following me up the path when I was leaving...

Now, onto cherry picking. The trees were plenty full with ripe and unripe fruit but unfortunately the rain has made the cherries split. I had to pick through the trees to find the good ones but let me tell you, there were lots!

It was a pretty walk through the trees...

And just some of the bounty.

Now I just need to get a cherry pitter.

Friday, June 11, 2010


My in-laws had told us that they have a three eared bunny at their house and lookie here who mosied himself up to our house. We have gotten pretty close to him during the day, at least a foot away without him bolting from the yard.
Last night I had just gotten home from an extremely long, long day and was in my bedroom changing my clothes. Callie was at the window with alert ears and a wagging tail so I knew something was in the yard. I glanced out the window in hopes to see a glimpse of the skunk that was in our yard the other night but it was Tres. We named him Tres after the Spanish word for 3. I'm not sure if he was born this way or maybe got his ear caught in something and it split it, but anyhow he is adorable.
The funky rabbit eyes are due to it being dusk and having the flash on.

Yesterday on my way out to take care of my elderly aunt, I stopped by my friends house to borrow something and she had showed me a nest of 5-6 baby bunnies that are living under her kids slide. I could have scooped them all up and taken them home with me. Actually, she may be bringing them up if the mother doesn't come back. I think they are almost old enough to live on their own but maybe another week or so with their mom and they would be good to go by themselves.

So now I leave you with Tres....
Happy Weekend all
Happy Wedding Weekend to
Lori and Melissa!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

(never home)makers Banana Bites

So my friend Ashley over at (never home)makers created this recipe for banana bites and as soon as I saw it I rushed to my kitchen to whip up these tasty morsels. My love for peanut butter runs deep as many of you all know so what could be better than, peanut butter, chocolate and bananas. Right now they are in the freezer awaiting to be completely frozen before I dive right in but I know I will love these goodies.
Stop by their website right here to get the fabulous recipe as well as many others.
What's with the bowl and spoonful? Well as you can see I had some of the mixture left over and I....
Couldn't let it go to waste now could I?
Thanks Ashley for ANOTHER great recipe!!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Jenn's Baby Shower

Yesterday was a friends baby shower which I had the privilege to make the favors and the cake. I decided after talking with her family, to go with a vanilla and chocolate cake layers (7 layers) and then fill with vanilla and chocolate pudding. I do have to say it was extremely moist and yummy.
Jenn's favorite colors are brown and blue so that was the color theme I went with.

I sculpted them out of an oven bake clay and added them to the top of the cake. Ryan loves Batman so we just had to add that to his shirt.
Everybody seemed to enjoy the cake and made a nice dent in it!!
Thanks Jenn and Ryan for letting me share in your special day!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Creative Thursday

Well not too much pottery going on here except for the last post with the wedding vase. But I have been busy no less. I am attending a baby shower...HI JENN!!...this Saturday and I have been busy making some gifts for her and the baby as well as the favors. These cute little baby faces are over 5" in diameter and turned out sooo cute. I'm sure the guests will love these favors. Tomorrow I will be starting the cake and I have a great idea for that too.
Last night I went for a bike ride. I seriously don't know how people can bike on a daily basis. As strong as I think my legs are, they certainly we not a match for cycling. I rode from my house down to an auto place on Front Street (5 miles) to pick up my car after it was fixed. Let me tell you, I was huffing and puffing and damn, I hit every stinking red light from home to the auto place. But, everyone seemed to obey the bike laws except one jack-ass who cut me off getting on the on ramp. I was afraid of letting go of the bike to give him a nice hand signal! I don't think I'll be riding down there very often but it was a great cross training experience.
Well, I am off to get the kiddo on the bus, work for the morning, an errand or two, home, frost the rest of the cookies and then make dinner for a friend who just had ACL surgery.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Busy,Busy, Busy

I have been so terribly busy lately that blogging, again, has taken a backseat to my life. Last week was full of work, lacrosse games, amongst many other things. This past weekend was a full one too. Friday afternoon we sat in a very hot gymnasium to watch our kid compete in the annual dodge ball tournament at school. He had a stacked team and was determined to win. Well in the end, they walked away with the trophy and also their team (4th graders) beat the 6th graders...all of their heads barely fit out the door. It was great to see Graydon interact with his friends. I hope in the end, these friends will be with him through all his life. They all are a great bunch of personalities.
Saturday was a long hot run for me. 7 miles in the blazing sun but I felt awesome and it was a great run. I am gearing up for a race in July up in Utica, New York. It is a 15K and I am determined to pull a great time. I have been training a lot on hills around our house and it really seems to be helping my longer runs be more time efficient.
We had tons of mulch delivered last week...6 yards to be exact. The rest of the weekend during the day was spend weeding and mulching. We still have a lot more to do and the pile of mulch seems to be still there, without even a big dent in it. But the yard is starting to shape up nicely and I'll post photos of that later.
Sunday night I was able to see my best friend. She lives in Long Island and I never really get to see her. I think maybe the last time was almost 2 years ago. We have been friends since 1990 and I love her to death. We go without talking for months on end and then when we do finally talk, we pick right back up where we left off. Hopefully this summer we will head down there for some family fun.
The above photo is an Indian Wedding Vase I made for a wedding we are attending in two weeks. It is for Todd's cousin and she is so excited to get it. It's made of porcelain and is slowly drying right now and will be bisque fired and glazed this week. The color is going to be a nice soft gray to go along with their wedding colors.
I can't wait to see them use it during the ceremony,
it really means a lot to me that they asked me to make this for them!!!