Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sneaky Peeky

Here is a sneak peek of the fruits of my labor ...
I will have this as well as much more at the sale this weekend.

The chipmunks and squirrels are going crazy around here filling their cheeks and then scurrying away to store them for safe keeping. I wonder if this is a indication of what lies ahead for this winter. I heard that we might have one of the coldest winters in a long time.

Oh goody!

Here is a close up shot of one of my monarchs after it hatched. Check out all the spots and the white highlights around some of the orange.


So I took Callie out for a little walk around the yard when I heard all this "peeping" sound. I looked in our lilac tree and to my amazement, found this nest with baby birds in it. I still have not yet identified what kind of bird this is but stay tuned for my discovery.

I just had to post this photo of Stitch.

And finally, after a month of waiting I received this beautiful bracelet from Hong Kong (shh don't tell I only paid $15.00 for both). It is fossilized coral which I am so in love with. There is a matching ring behind the bracelet which is a little dark...
now I just need a pair of earrings to go along with this.

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