He is the newest addition to our clan. He is a Panda Bear Hamster and is approx. one month old, although he is quite large. Graydon fell in love with him on Friday night before we went to the movies. He was the only one left in the cage and he was quite entertaining to watch. He collected some money from doing jobs for us and Grandma and Grandpa, went to the store on Saturday night and got him.
He is very timid around our hands but hopefully he'll warm up so we can hold him.
I think Todd even likes Louie!
On another note, yesterday was actually a little productive. We cleaned out the top part of our barn where the barn sale was. Put most of everything (art) down to the little house for the upcoming sale, took all the patio furniture and put it away. Then I came inside because it was pretty chilly out and made 2 Tree of Life tiles, a small platter, cut my soap I made and got somethings painted. I have to work at the studio this morning, then to the market, home, make dinner, get a couple of things done, Graydon will be home, eat, get him ready for soccer practice and then I have to work tonight as well. Busy, busy for me!!!
Have a good Monday everyone!
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