So enough with my excuses...I'm sorry and Thanks Sue for being concerned about me and my well being. I am pleased to announce that I am well and feeling pretty good about the cleanse now. The first week is always the hardest, especially when you have to feed two other humans in your house and they are not especially digging the rabbit food that you are consuming. I did have one minor set back yesterday...not really sure what it was about but my body finally either caught up with the cleanse or I had a little bug. I spent the entire 16 hours on the couch in a ball. I feel much better today and have actually starting eating as of lunchtime.
No not regular food, back to the bunny basics!
A quick recap of last weeks throwing...I banged out a ton of pottery in one day. I felt pretty pleased with myself and am dying to get back doing it. Maybe tomorrow if the snow day that they are predicting ends up with 1/2 day, I'll be able to throw in the morning without interruption. Take a quick note of all my goods in the above photo.

Pretty amazing stuff this woman does. I think my mouth was open the whole time watching her throw. A very interesting technique she has created. The above photo is of her removing a large ring of clay in order to make a dinner plate. I can't really explain how she does it but it is similar to a wood carvers way of creating a bowl or plate. A huge waste of clay but it helps save your hands and arms with the amount of tendonittis you can get.
I am inspired and want to create....