I try and post a photo with my blog entry but today was slim pickings. I couldn't really find a new(
ish) photo I had taken until I remembered one from this past weekend. Todd and I were sitting on our front porch enjoying the scenery when the hummingbirds decided to put on a show for us. I grabbed my camera and followed one to where she was perched on a branch. She actually let me get pretty close to her until she decided that she had enough.
This weekend was spent mainly on Saturday weeding, edging and mulching around our house. We got 4 yards of mulch delivered on Friday night and less than 1/4 is remaining. I guess I should have ordered more than the 4 yards. It only was enough to go around our house and garage and the new grape fence Todd had put up. Darn...
I was pretty pooped on Saturday night and actually slept all night long without waking up which is very unusual for me. Besides the insomnia I struggle with, when I DO finally fall asleep I am an extremely light sleeper. Todd usually wakes me up with his figitiness (is that a word?). I guess that is what happens when you turn into a mom.
Other than that Sunday was spent at a soccer game with Graydon and then off to the Rusnaks house for Dave's 40th Birthday party. It was a nice family party that he wanted and we were honored to be a part of it. Dave's mom, come to find out, knows my Dad's side of the family and her sister is my great-aunts god-daughter. Small world - eh?.
I am starting to finally feel a little bit better. I have good days with the back and ribs and then not so good days which was yesterday. I think the day after my adjustment is always so much better. I am just beginning to wonder if I will ever feel back to normal again? It really stinks being stupid. I have totally learned my lesson and will never do something like that again. Anywho I am however starting to throw a little again. I have a bridal shower coming up, an order for a large bowl and also the Strawberry Festival in Owego, June 20th!! Chip, chop, chip!!! I need to get producing!! So on that note, I bid you farewell for the day. I am off to a baseball game tonight, tomorrow night and Thursday night...oh goodie!!
(I really do enjoy watching Graydon play, just not sitting there really long though)