Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day

This whole weekend was literally spent outside gardening and getting the yard mowed and in tip top shape. The entire vegetable garden was planted...ornamental corn, sweet corn, pumpkins, 16 tomatoes, banana peppers, cucumbers, 4 different varieties of beans, acorn squash, strawberries and more peas! Whew....
On top of that more weeding in the perennial beds along with mulching them. I am officially out of mulch now and need to get another 4 yards delivered. Yikes! I better get that one figured out.
We also went to the movies and saw Night at the Museum 2. I love Ben Stiller's acting so I give it A++, not to mention the cute little monkeys, Robin Williams and an actress (Amy Adams, I think ) who played Amelia Earhart. Very good combo!
The top photo is taken on Memorial Day next to my in-laws new pond that they put in last year. They decided to have a picnic next to the pond and it was yummy. Hot dogs, hamburgers, beans, coleslaw and potato salad and to top it all off Rhubarb/Strawberry Crisp that I made. YUMMO!
The pond is a little murky right now and is full of tadpoles, no fish yet. That will be coming soon so my kid can catch and release til his heart desires! Todd took Graydon and his preschool friend Noah fishing on Sunday. The headed up to a neat little spot that I blogged about some time ago. They ended up catching around 40 fish!! I was home planting but Todd told me about the one that got away, hehehe. At least 14 inches...so he says!

Me and my kid!!! What a cutie!

Beautiful weather...75 degrees with a little wind! Perfect!

So, Graydon is sitting there in the chair before we had dessert. I got a couple of good pics of him...

The milkshake that I made him ended up all over his face, shirt and shorts! Believe it or not it is an oreo milkshake not kitty liter. Doesn't it look just like it?

Thanks Mom and Dad Vick for having us down to have a great meal and to celebrate your pond!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Yea...it's Friday!

I'm so happy today is Friday and it is a three day long weekend. Fingers crossed for nice weather this weekend...the garden needs to be planted. All my little plants I started from seed are starting to suffer from not being planted yet. I need to get my flat of tomatoes in the garden before they shrivel to nothing. I have started planting a little here and there and it makes me happy to do so. I love digging in the dirt and making the plants happy not to have weeds choking them out. The above photo is my friend chip. I have been trying to lure him in with bananas (notice it to the left of him) ...my goal is to get him so he trusts me and will eat from my hand. He's so cute...just look at those paws and little ears!!
Here is one thing that I did plant so far...Herb the pottery head. I created Herb about 2 years ago and he has been sitting in my barn collecting dust because when I fired him the first time (or tried too), his top lip blew off and my intention was to fix him and re fire. Well...needless to say, two years later he finally found a home in my garden. I cleaned him up, sanded his lip down and fired him last week. I think I need to make more, especially for the Greene Craft Show coming up in July. Stay tuned for more "Herbs".

Just a view from my front porch steps...the beautiful ferns emerging from their curls.

Little Goldfinches eating away...I wonder if they have babies somewhere?

And last but not least my kid....he had crazy hair day yesterday in school. Everyday is something new because they are counting down until school ended (ALREADY?). Today is dress your best...yeah right, we'll see if that happens.
Happy Weekend Everyone!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I try and post a photo with my blog entry but today was slim pickings. I couldn't really find a new(ish) photo I had taken until I remembered one from this past weekend. Todd and I were sitting on our front porch enjoying the scenery when the hummingbirds decided to put on a show for us. I grabbed my camera and followed one to where she was perched on a branch. She actually let me get pretty close to her until she decided that she had enough.
This weekend was spent mainly on Saturday weeding, edging and mulching around our house. We got 4 yards of mulch delivered on Friday night and less than 1/4 is remaining. I guess I should have ordered more than the 4 yards. It only was enough to go around our house and garage and the new grape fence Todd had put up. Darn...
I was pretty pooped on Saturday night and actually slept all night long without waking up which is very unusual for me. Besides the insomnia I struggle with, when I DO finally fall asleep I am an extremely light sleeper. Todd usually wakes me up with his figitiness (is that a word?). I guess that is what happens when you turn into a mom.
Other than that Sunday was spent at a soccer game with Graydon and then off to the Rusnaks house for Dave's 40th Birthday party. It was a nice family party that he wanted and we were honored to be a part of it. Dave's mom, come to find out, knows my Dad's side of the family and her sister is my great-aunts god-daughter. Small world - eh?.
I am starting to finally feel a little bit better. I have good days with the back and ribs and then not so good days which was yesterday. I think the day after my adjustment is always so much better. I am just beginning to wonder if I will ever feel back to normal again? It really stinks being stupid. I have totally learned my lesson and will never do something like that again. Anywho I am however starting to throw a little again. I have a bridal shower coming up, an order for a large bowl and also the Strawberry Festival in Owego, June 20th!! Chip, chop, chip!!! I need to get producing!! So on that note, I bid you farewell for the day. I am off to a baseball game tonight, tomorrow night and Thursday night...oh goodie!!
(I really do enjoy watching Graydon play, just not sitting there really long though)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Another Week in Review

It's already Saturday? Where has the time gone? For me this week has been extremely busy...back to work I go. Three weeks tomorrow since my "stupid hurts" incident and I still am not yet healed. But I decided that I needed to get back to business whether or not I am feeling OK.
Monday was busy with taking care of my Great-Aunt in the morning and then I headed home to get some stuff done around here. Tuesday was a FULL day of work and let me just tell you it was not fun. I experienced white hot pain between my shoulder blades while working...very interesting! Tuesday night was spent at Graydons first baseball game where he pitched the last two innings. Very fun to watch but brrrr, once the sun went down it was chilly! Wednesday was work in the morning and then home...I proceeded to weed my side garden along my house. I pulled tons and tons of lambs ear (yuck) out along with massive amount of weeds. Thursday was busy as well...off in the morning to the studio to get some stuff done and then to the chiropractor to get cracked. Friday - groceries in the am which btw the guy packed too heavy and I about killed myself loading them into the car and then out again! Then I weeded some more and received a 4 yard load of mulch. Whew...in between all of that I managed to snap a few photos of life here around the farm...enjoy!
Spring flowers blanket some gardens...here are bleeding hearts and a pale pink tulip. BTW the first photo is one of the male Grossbeaks that arrive everyday for his food. I have two pairs!!

Lilac smell is in the air! I love it!!
The wysteria that grows up along the side of the barn bloomed this year.

Very pretty I might add. You have to disturb the roots if you want to promote it to bloom. I just took a shovel and dug down the sides of the root ball.

This is Flower on the left and her mom BB on the right. I love the expression on BB's face...do you think she was miffed I was taking pics of her? Flower is very passive and sweet and BB is just a doll!! These two are my favs!

Here is Cher on the left and her son racer. Racer is the typical alpha of the group. Cher hangs out and waits for everything and her daughter, Lily (not pictured) is extremely shy.

And here is Graydon helping out by mowing the big fields next to the house.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all you Mamas out there!
Here is a photo taken about 5 years ago on Mother's Day. We heard about a fawn in the field by our house so we went on a hunt for the baby. When it saw Graydon he started making these cute little noises and walked up to him. Notice Graydon's hand position. We kept on telling him to not touch the baby. It was such a priceless once in a lifetime opportunity. Graydon was so happy that this little baby came up to him. So upon seeing this the baby went back to his hiding spot where we discovered he was a "twin".
This morning was spent with Mom and Dad Vick having breakfast and now it is time to head out in the garden. I've got my two little worker bees all ready to help me...lots and lots to do!!
Have a wonderful day everyone!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Roberson Pottery Sale

Roberson Clayworks
Spring 2009 Pottery Sale
May 9th and 10th
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
30 Front Street
Binghamton, New York
Come and shop for unique one of a kind Mother's Day gifts. Over 20 different and talented potters work on display for sale. I will be there from 2:30-5:00 Saturday.
Stop in and say Hi!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lucy and Ethel

Wanna meet my new girls Lucy and Ethel? Well here they are in their prime posing for the camera. I obtained these two beauties from a woman at pottery. She had gone in on an order with her friend a year ago and that friend didn't want all of them anymore, thus now I have 5!! I believe they are "silkies" but I could be wrong. I have to do a little research on their coloring, but check out their feet. They have feathers on their feet and it reminds me of when we put booties our dog during the wintertime. They walk just like it!! This one above is Ethel and the below right is Lucy.
Notice the lovely pottery bowl that they eat from...nothing is too good for my girls!

I love their feathers on their bloomers...and believe it or not I really didn't think this would happen. All of them eating together. When I first got them the older ones would corner them in the pen and step on their heads. It was kind of comical to watch but I guess they are determining their "pecking order".

The new girls Lucy and Ethel are laying the buff colored eggs while the rest of the gang has the beautiful sage green and light blue ones.

Early morning photo of a fiddlehead fern emerging.

Oh girls in the UE School office....this is called a meleagris also known as a
Snake's Head Fritillaria. I had to do some research on this one!!!

And while I have been really doing nothing lately other than trying to heal myself...I have enjoyed taking some pics around the house. Here is an amusing photo of our kitty "Stitch", checking himself out in the camera lens.

And here are his kitty toes...don't they look like a muppets???
Do you think I need to get back to my life???

Friday, May 1, 2009

New Smile

Tuesday afternoon I picked Graydon up from school early because he had an orthodontist appointment to get his braces off. It has been 25 months since he started this whole venture and let me just tell you, he was very sad to get them off. So the above photo is the before and.........

A brand new smile is born!
Doesn't he look like a different kid??? So handsome...
On another note...just how much laying around can I possibly do??? It is driving me crazy not to be able to create anything or even to do housework. I tried to vacuum yesterday and it about put me into a total lock down with muscle spasms. Everyday gets a little bit better but I'm being so impatient. I guess that is what I get for being stupid, stupid, stupid!! While laying on the sofa vegging yesterday I actually pulled out my watercolor paper and drew a little farm scene. I was planning on doing a bit of water coloring on it but just didn't have the stamina to do it just yet...maybe today. It helped with the itchy fingers, wanting to create.