Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Under the Weather

I'm feeling a little under the weather so I thought I would show you some photos from around the farm. Every year chickadees make a nest in a bird house that my in-laws made for me on Christmas. I always enjoy watching them fly in and out of the house creating their one of a kind nest. From eggs to hatching is only less than 2 weeks. From hatching to fledging the nest is basically a week. It makes me so sad when they finally do leave the nest but I was fortunate this year to see them right before they took their flight. There were about 6 babies all crammed together in the nest.
This little guy took off right after this photo...
and I chased him all over the yard. Finally I caught up with him and took him back to his nest. Shortly after, the parents kicked them out...most likely because the big, bad monster bothered them. I know I shouldn't be bothering the nest, but it is nature and I enjoy it so much.

From our bedroom window you can watch the birds eat and the chipmunks hunt the ground for discarded seeds. This parent was feeding one of its babies...

So cute to watch the baby flutter its wings and hop all over to make sure the parent fills its belly.

Here is one of our chippies that frequents the yard. Every morning I leave them 2 pieces of my banana for breakfast in hopes that one day I might be able to hand feed them.

Look at that cute little face....

And now to the spider monkey, Stitch. He has taken to climbing the window to get a better view. Just look at those back toes gripping on....

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh, I love those pictures of the chippy (especially the second one)!! I just want to hold him and pet him and call him George...