Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Well, I am down my computer AGAIN. Hopefully the repair guy can get it back up and running for me TODAY!! I have so much stuff on it that I need right away that I am a little panicky right now. Trust me when I get it back I am moving everything over to the external hard drive we have. So needless to say I am using Graydons computer right now to check mail and that's just about it.

Sunday was spent stressing about the computer and creating. It was raining off and on and it was nice just to stay inside and work. I made two butter dishes and 4 vintage style aprons for the shop. The aprons turned out super cute and I'll try and post a pic when the computer comes back home.

Saturday was spent at a soccer tournament for Graydon. He scored a bunch of goals and the team played great together. They ended up winning the tournament...he was very happy!

Yesterday was spent at the studio working as an assistant. I mixed three glazes and loaded a kiln and cleaned, cleaned and cleaned. I noticed that my friend Nancy was on duty on Sunday http://www.therabbitmuse.blogspot.com and she always does a great job cleaning so I just added to her neatness.

Well I am off to get the kid ready for summer enrichment and then I am off to work. This afternoon will be spent hanging out with Graydon and hopefully a little creating along the way! Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

Round Rabbit said...

You are funny - I thought I left a real mess there last week! :)