Monday, January 5, 2009

Daily Grind...

Well, I'm back to the daily grind.
Lunches to pack, clothes to get ready, kid to get out of bed which I might add was a feat this morning. If I would have let him, he still would be sleeping! I'm glad to have spent all this time home with Graydon and Todd but all good things must come to an end. I need to get back into my routine of getting things done. I am back to work today...not that I want to but the $$$ is talking to me. We have decided to completely renovate the room that I am cleaning out. No it is not the office but the craft "crap" room. The wall paper needs to is even on the ceiling! The carpet is in really bad shape so good-bye! I will be doing most of the work myself except laying the carpet. That is where our friend Bill will come into play. But for now, nothing can be done until it is hauled out.
After work I am heading to get boxes to put stuff in for future looking through...thank goodness we have a barn for storage!! That will be my spring time job...hauling out the barn! But for now, this is a perfect wintertime job for me. I do expect to try and throw a little pottery tonight. Hopefully the back will hold up. Somewhere before Christmas I injured my lower back and it is still bad. I am heading for an x-ray today to see what the deal is. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Susan said...

OOOHhhh...good luck with your xray results. I fractured my foot just over a year ago, and I believe from walking uneven in a foot boot for 2 months I permanently injured my lower back. Been to a chiro but now I just suffer. I need to go to an ortho I think. It's horrid, so I totally feel your pain. Good luck!