Have you ever loved something so much that you don't know what you would do without it? That is how I feel about...
Oh my love of peanut butter has gone on for years and years and will continue for years to come. As a kid who doesn't love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches but as an adult we have had it instilled in us that although it is healthy, it packs A LOT of calories and fat. As a runner, I have decided that I not only run for my health and sanity, I run so I can eat as much peanut butter as I want. When you run you burn about 100 calories per mile so I do not feel guilty at all coming home and eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. But not only do I eat it in sandwich form, I eat it by the spoonful, I eat it on Cocos (rice cakes), I eat it on bananas and apples, and I just plain eat it!

Just to show you a little
incite on my daily
consumption, here is my breakfast this morning. Whole grain toast with peanut butter slathered all over it along with 3/4 of a banana. The juice is my favorite....
pomegranate, cranberry and a splash of orange juice. Although most mornings I have a shake with berries, banana, juice, yogurt and some special powder, I have run
out of my berries and need to stop at the store to get more. So for the last couple of days I have eaten this...

Oh, don't forget the the little piece of banana that didn't fit on the piece of toast...it also gets a dollop of peanut butter...

Here is my favorite brand of peanut butter....
Wegmans! I use to be a Peter Pan girl but after the scare I switched
reluctantly to
Wegmans and now nothing else
compairs. I got this jar on Saturday and just to show you, look how much is gone. Sure,
Graydon is just like his Mama and eats it by the spoonful too but the majority of this missing peanut butter was consumed by moi!!
And I am proud of it!!!

So, on other news. I have been so busy with working and running (I have two races this weekend...I will blog later about it), I haven't really done too much of my
fav...pottery. But yesterday before I left for work I put together this slab piece. I picked the form up at a local store and thought it was pretty darn neat. It would make a great centerpiece on a table filled with
pine cones and even use it as an awesome serving platter. It is quite large, well over a foot in length, but after all the firings it will shrink down a bit. My plan it to glaze this one in my trusty Tomato Red with my little trees in the middle done in white. BUT, I have other plans for some more. Maybe with some words stamped into it, characters or such...

Any ideas??? Leave me a comment...
So now onto another sunny, beautiful day in Upstate New York.
Have a good one!