A whole week slipped by without one post...I don't really know how it happens but the busy-
ness of life just gets in the way. We had the typical week of, work, school, sports, running, pottery and other daily routines and here it is...another week starting.
But what a beautiful start to the week I might add!!! Sun, Sun and more Sun!! And to boot...in the high 40's! What a treat!!! I finished a wedding shower cake and delivered it at 10:00am and unfortunately forgot to take a pic of it. Oh well...hopefully the bride got a pic for me.
After delivering the cake Todd dropped me off at my usual starting point of running and I headed out, with wayyyyy too much clothing on. Within the first mile the fleece coat came off and then the next 1/2 mile the fleece headband came off too. No other clothes were stripped off during the run but it was a pleasant 10 mile run. The birds were singing, the sun was shining and the roads were clear. What more could a girl ask for.

After getting home, showering and resting for a bit, I headed back outside with the family to enjoy the day. We let the goats out of the barn and boy o boy they weren't too sure about the snow. They really do not like it but couldn't resist the little bit of grass showing.
Here is Racer and his twin Lily enjoying a snack...their teeth are so human like on the bottom aren't they??

Lily and Flower with a very shedding Racer kicked up their heals and stayed close to each other. Still not too sure about the white stuff...

And here is my good old girl Bebe!!
She just cracks me up...this is her normal expression on her face. It looks to be amused and comical all together...She is the Mom to Flower and Grandmother to Racer and Lily. The Matriarch of the group she tends to hang back and observe but is never too far away from her kids!

Did I mention she loves to be hugged...

And hugged some more....

As I walked to the house to talk to Todd, he said to me "Hey goat whisperer, you have a following" and as I turned, this is what I saw...they all were following me.

somebody scared them back to the barn. She really doesn't care for them too much but really
desperately wanted to herd them back to the barn.
So now on to Monday and the sun is shining....Spring???
I sure hope so!
1 comment:
I love your little goats! And yes, your Bebe has the funniest/cutest expression on her face - just adorable.
Have a great week ~ sounds like it started out perfectly.
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